Report Data Form
Data Form: Fill out the form for each person for whom a Report is ordered. After you click Submit, you will be returned to the form to add an additional person. A relationship Report will require entering the data for each party.
Birth Name: Show the name as on the original birth certificate even if you have been adopted or you hate that name. It is your foundation energy. Include the full name. If you have more than one middle name add them all. If you have no middle name show (nmn ) to be sure it has not been overlooked.
Current name: Show the name you most commonly use. It most likely would be how you introduce yourself.
Birth Date: Show the format mm/dd/yyyy
E-mail Address: The reports are sent in printable digital format as an attachment. In each form use the e-mail to which you wish the report sent.
Receive your reports: Please allow up to 24 hours for preparation of the Reports